Sunrise 6:15 AM.
Although it may seem trivial or silly in the light of the tremendous weight and darkness and horror of what is happening in the world, Lucy, my goldfish of 20 years passed away recently. She outlived 2 companions, several tumors and spent the last year and a half partially paralyzed from a stroke. An enthusiastic eater and cheerful companion to the end - we miss her.
Sunset 7:59 PM
The Cardew Choir celebrated their 14th Anniversary with a concert this evening at Berkeley Arts. Named in honor and in the spirit of Cornelius Cardew, the ensemble is deeply committed to values of community and egalitarianism and May Day is an especially significant day as it commemorates International Workers Day. As always, I enjoyed the ensemble’s well-rehearsed performances and commitment to their original ideals and inspiration. Many thanks for beginning the evening with a sunset bell ringing!